Wednesday, October 13, 2010

leloGram Scarf

  This scarf was completely inspired by the yarn. I fell in love with it on a recent yarn excursion and *had* to have it. I think this pattern is perfect for it. I used size 17 needles so the fabric is soft and chunky but not too thick. leloGram is a perfect gift knit - quick & easy but absolutely beautiful.


 This pattern is #3 of the 14 free weekly patterns that I will be posting here on this blog. Check out this post to learn more.

leloGram Scarf

Yarn: Bernat Roving (Low Tide), bulky
Needles: Size 17 straight or circular
Gauge:   not important for this pattern .

ktbl:  knit through back loop
ptbl:  purl through back loop
RTK (right twist w/knit):  slip st to cable needle & hold in back of work,
                                              ktbl off left needle, k st off cable needle.   
RTP (right twist w/purl):  slip st to cable needle & hold in back of work,
                                              ktbl off left needle, p st off cable needle.   
LTK (left twist w/knit):  slip st to cable needle & hold in front of work,
                                              k st off left needle, ktbl  off cable needle.
LTP (left twist w/pulr):  slip st to cable needle & hold in front of work,
                                              p st off left needle, ktbl  off cable needle.
  Twist note:  These twists can be done without a cable needle. Here is a tutorial on cabling without a needle.

Seed St:
              Row 1: *k1, p1* to end
                Row 2: *p1, k1* to end

Cast-on 16 sts
Work 4 rows Seed St.

Row 5 (ws): k1, p1, p4, [k1, p1] twice, p4, k1, p1
Row 6 (rs): p1, k1, k4, [p1, k1] twice, k4, p1, k1
Row 7: repeat row 5
Row 8: p1, k1, k2, RTK, LTK, p1, k1, k2, RTK, p1, k1  
Row 9: k1, p1, k1, ptbl, p2, k1, p1, ptbl, p1, k1, ptbl, p2, k1, p1
Row 10: p1, k1, k1, RTP, k1, k1, LTK, k1, k1, RTP, k1, p1, k1
Row 11:   k1, p1, k1, p1, ptbl, p1, k1, ptbl, p2, k1, p1, ptbl, p1, k1, p1
Row 12: p1, k1, RTK, p1, k1, k2, LTK, RTK, [p1, k1] twice
Row 13: [k1, p1] 3 times, p4, [k1, p1] 3 times
Row 14: [p1, k1] 3 times, k4, [p1, k1] 3 times
Row 15: repeat row 13
Row 16: repeat row 14
Row 17: repeat row 13
Row 18: repeat row 14
Row 19: repeat row 13
Row 20: [p1, k1] twice, RTK, LTP, k2, p1, k1, RTK, p1, k1
Row 21: k1, p1, p1, ptbl, k1, p1, p2, ptbl, p1, p1, ptbl, [k1, p1] twice
Row 22: p1, k1, p1, RTK, k1, p1, LTK, k1, RTK, k1, p1, k1
Row 23: k1, p1, p2, ptbl, p1, p1, ptbl, k1, p1, p2, ptbl, p1, k1, p1
Row 24: p1, k1, RTK, k2, p1, k1, LTP, RTK, k2, p1, k1
Row 25: repeat row 5
Row 26: repeat row 6
Row 27: repeat row 5
Row 28: repeat row 6

Repeat Rows 5 -28 until scarf is desired length or you are close to running out of yarn.

Work 4 rows seed stitch
Bind off in pattern & weave in ends!


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